The Necessity of Multi-Scanning
Last Friday, the WannaCry cyberattack effected more than 300,000 computers, impacting thousands of businesses, hospitals and enterprises, across 153 countries by taking advantage of outdated versions of Windows that never had updated Microsoft’s crucial security upgrades. With the increasing amounts of advance threats by attackers and the overall skyrocketing growth of malware, relying on a…
Political Cyber Security
The daily life and economics of the global citizen depend each time more on a stable, secure, and resilient cyberspace. Even before was elected president, Donald Trump promised to make cyber security “an immediate and top priority for [his] administration.” Yet, months into his presidency, Trump and global leaders worldwide have struggled to deal with…
Cyber Review Consultations Report
“The digital economy increasingly shapes and drives the broader economy. For Canadians to prosper and be confident digital innovators, they need to know that the networks that enable their efforts and safeguard their assets and information are secure. I am committed to making Canada a global centre for innovation – one that creates jobs, drives…
Cyberwarfare & National Security
Sochi Olympics, 2014: Athletes’ cell phones were compromised within minutes of landing at the airport. Viber, WhatsApp, Twitter, and other apps are commonly used to locate terrorist targets in Syria. As a counterpoint, recruitment for terrorist groups such as ISIS is largely done online as well. Use of bots/humans to broadcast government agenda in Saudi…