• Seizing the Opportunities of Big Data​

    A good place to start with data analytics is to subscribe to reports on data trends, or to a trends-based web service.​ These services, such as Microsoft Insights, can provide valuable research data relevant to your business operations. Big data allows researchers to collect and analyze various industry trends and patterns, draw conclusions, and publish…

  • Disinformation is polluting democracy

    Disinformation campaigns and the future of elections United States citizens are still recovering from the aftermath of the election. KI Design’s media monitoring data shows that 39% of online election sentiment is negative. Voters have experienced sustained disinformation campaigns that have compromised the electoral system and undermining public confidence in democratic processes. Disinformation – false…

  • Showing How AI can combat Disinformation

    Using AI to Combat AI-Generated Disinformation

    AI can be impact election outcomes? how can this be combatted?

  • AI – Q&A Series – Aviation – Mobility

    Here are my unfiltered answers to questions surrounding AI. Beyond the Jargon – what problems can AI solve for me? AI can solve problems where a judgement call is needed. In essence it is suited to contexts where there is an opinion or an attribute need be determined based on patterns. A prime example is sentiment…

  • Future of Data

    Infographic representing key issues concerning future of data broken by country. Link to source: Future of Data

  • Urban Data Responsibility – The Battle for TorontotechUrban Data Responsibility – The Battle for Toronto

    The initial excitement over Alphabet’s SmartCity may be dwindling out of the perception that the tech giant will use the new development in the Harbourfront to collect personal data. The special attention given by interest groups to a project that actually has engaged the public and shown good faith may be giving companies the wrong lesson: Don’t…

  • Are Malls “Grasping at Straws”?

    Cadillac Fairview is tracking the public by using facial recognition technology !! The news of privacy commissioners of Canada and Alberta launching an investigation into facial recognition technology used at Cadillac Fairview, did not come as a surprise to many. The investigation was initiated by Commissioner Daniel Therrien in the wake of numerous media reports that…

  • Artificial Intelligence and Privacy: What About?

    Inference How AI impacts privacy and security implementaiton? Big Data analytics is transforming all industries including healthcare-based research and innovation, offering tremendous potential to organizations able to leverage their data assets. However, as a new species of data – massive in volume, velocity, variability, and variety – Big Data also creates the challenge of compliance…

  • The 4 steps you should take before engaging with Social Media Data

    Organizations are using big data to help consumers. The question is what steps organizations can take to avoid inadvertently harming consumers. In the event of legal action, an organization’s preparedness is a determining factor in how well the case will move forward. In court matters, the electronically stored information is generally subject to the same…

  • Overcoming the Challenges of Privacy of Social Media in Canada

    In Canada data protection is regulated by both federal and provincial legislation. Organizations and other companies who capture and store personal information are subject to several laws in Canada. In the course of commercial activities, the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) became law in 2004. PIPEDA requires organizations to obtain consent…

  • Social Media Boston University

    Building a Social Media Pipeline

    Companies who developed Success Criteria, established their Style, decided their Sources, Setup a business process, whilst they survey their results are winning big on social media. The most unknown part of building an enterprise social media service is how to build a social media pipeline. This presentation describes how to do that. Building a Social…

  • Can big Data be wrong – An election post mortem

    Well that’s a good question, everyone is asking today what happened with the elections. Thinking that all that we knew and heard from media outlets was wrong. Big Data is subject to a few simple rules which often get ignored. When the next election or event comes along, there is one thing to remember. Big Data has…