Top 3 Tweets on Ransomware
During the last three days we collected 461,325 tweets. The INTERNET clearly thinks that NSA enabled the ransomware attack and that it will happen again: 2056 RT @Snowden: When @NSAGov enabled ransomware eats the internet, help comes from researchers, not spy agencies. Amazing story. Click Here 1191 RT @chemaalonso: El lado del mal – El…
Wael Hassan5 hints can help you recognize a fake LinkedIn profile
We received great feedback on our recently about hacking on LinkedIn . LinkedIn, as a business social network, offers a forum for members to post and view live resumes. It promises opportunities to connect with potential employers, employees, business partners, and clients. On a more psychological level, it appeals to the desire to “see and be seen” – to showcase…
Wael HassanThe Startup’s Guide to Privacy: Turning Privacy into a Competitive Advantage – MaRS Best Practices MaRS Discovery District, Toronto, ON
This is an event announcement. Register Here On January 28, 2016, Canada, along with many countries, will celebrate Data Privacy Day. Recognized by privacy professionals, corporations, government officials, academics and students around the world, Data Privacy Day highlights the impact that technology is having on our privacy rights and underlines the importance of valuing and protecting personal…
Wael Hassan